Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6-25 GA Trip: Day 4...Grandpas' 60th Birthday Party

So snuggly

Mommy and I went walking outside the cabin, and we found some little peach trees. I picked my first peach...a baby. :)

I'm very proud of it.

May I eat it, Mama?

Okay, I'll just play with it.


Marmie, Auntie Cheryl, Mama, Daddy, and I spent a little time in the morning walking around Downtown Blue Ridge.

Let's go that way.

What a brave girl!


It's okay, Mommy. See? He's tame.

My first antique shopping experience...

The Grandpas being so silly...


Yummy cake

Who's going to cut it?

Oops...Candles first...

The Brosteins


My Great Aunties and Uncle

...All of the (minus Aunt Christine)

Time to say "good-bye"...Tomorrow's another LONG day in the car.

Ciao, Uncle Denny, Aunt Mary, and Aunt Nancy.


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