Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, April 9, 2012

4-8 Happy Easter!

Oh, Lord, thank You for rising again...and for the new life we celebrate in You...with these Easter eggs.
I can't reach it, Mama.

Eggs like to read, too.

I found another one!

Oh, my!

Chicky, chicky..

I do love my basket.

A duckie!

Why does it have bunny ears?

I'm ready for church now, Mommy and Daddy.All set!

Praise you, Jesus!

The Easter Bunny left eggs at Mahmo's house, too!

Thank you for holding the bag for me Erik.

Chicken, do you have any eggs?

I'm getting quite the collection.

There's something IN this one!

Thank you, Ahna.


I am such a good finder!

What's a penny?

Mahmo made me a too-too!

I AM a dancer. I AM a dancer.

Something for my hair, too?


So pretty...

Off to see the neighbors...

Enough said

Look! We match, Nanny!

I love my Nane and Daz.

Can you keep a secret, Nane?

I know my toys are in here somewhere.

Hi, Great-Great Auntie.

Your purse is very pretty.

I love you, Brookie!

My cousins are here!

Nanny with her girls...

What is that, Nanny?

High five, Eli!

Let's see what this does.


After Mahmo's we went to Nom-Nom's...I got to meet my cousin Robby ("Bobby") for the very first time!

A kiss for you...

Mommy and Daddy were both wearing bunny ears...although you can't see Daddy's.

Off to swim with Granddad...

Hurry! Alyssa's catching up!

Psstt...Let's get Grand Mom's hair wet...

I love you, too, Dissa.

You're so silly.

Soak 'em!

Hmmm...Who's next?

Let's see...Who's here? Yay-Yay, Uh-Bob, Beef, and Ah-Nah-Nah.

Oh-een and Bobby catching up...

Mommy had to join the pool fun, too.

Jump and splash!

My fishy!

So relaxed...except for my toes, which I've been curling since I was born.

My Ah-Na-Na loves me.

Oh-een does, too.

See my fishy?

I like Tootsie Rolls, too!

I got to see Miss Pat, too.

The Easter Bunny visited Ah-Na-Na's house, too.

You got eggs, too, Alyssa?

Ohhhh, bunnies!

One, two, three bunny ladies...


Cheese, Mama!

The Toney family "first" cousins

Don't forget Alyssa...2nd cousins need to be included, too!

You have scruffies, Dee-Den!

Nom-Nom and Dad-Dad with all of their grandchilden...


Cousin love


A mom and her girl...

Girl time...

Ta-da! Girls just wanna have fun!

ANDREW found me!!!!


She's gonna get me!


I got YOU!

Come and get me!


Tickle Monster!!


See now? There's something in your hair.

Mwahhhhahhh...I found the bubbles!



Steve needed to play, too.

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