Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

3-8 A Great, Fun Day!

Sportin' my "big girl" shoes...
Pleeeease, let's go to the park now.

Hi, Ani! See the hat I found?

I put it on all by myself (after Mommy checked it over thoroughly).


RAFAEL! I havn't seen you in AGES! Excuse me, Buddy.

How do these spinny things work?

We both LOVE the steps.

A MIRACLE...We are BOTH sitting down!

...Not for long!

After a nap, Bop helped me check out Mommy and Daddy's new bed.

Just before dinner, Mommy and I went to visit Auntie "Nonna" and "Bob". Of course, I had to join Nonna in the pool.

I think she loves me just a little bit.

Uncle Bob was so funny!

I'm gonna splash you!

What's he doing, Nonna?

Splash time!

"Nunny!" (funny)

I'm gonna getchoo!

It's war!

Get 'im, Nonna!

Where did you go?


Trying to soak in the evening sun and dry off on the wagon ride home...

Who put that there?

We must finish the evening with trying on of as many hats as possible...


One, two, three...

Should I go for four?

I still like this one the best.

I can put on my own bibs, too.

I can evn dress Mommy. She is wearing 5 hats, though you can only see 3.

Today, I also figured out how to put shirts on all by myself. At one point, I had 3 on at one time.

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