Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

3-25 Another Fun-Filled Day!

Mommy and I started the day using sidewalk chalk for the first time.
I'm glad it makes her happy.

I'm not quite sure about it yet. I prefer to throw the chalk and watch it roll down the driveway.

There it goes. It's a very serious time.

How many colors can I hold?

Mommy's been trying to entertain me with pictures. See what I've done with the chalk?

This stuff sure is dirty.

The butterfly is my favorite.

What's wrong with my pants?

Flower pickin' time...

I must water them, too.

I'm such a big helper.

I'm so glad that "Uh-Bob" came over for a visit.

I do love him so.

I think he loves me, too.

Mommy and Daddy took me to another park!

I love it when Daddy goes down the slide with me! Wheee!!!!!

We are the tunnel investigators!

That was fun!

Mommy's two angels...

Follow me, Daddy! I'll get us out of here!

Let's take a little break.

On the move again! Static hair!

Let's tackle this thing, Daddy-O!

I LOVE slides!

Brrmmmm, brrrrmmmm! Daddy's so proud!

Off I go!

Mommy prefers for me to ride the elephant.

No trip to the park would be complete without a ride on the swing.

Are you sure about this, Daddy?

Woo hoo!

What's a tree hugger?

Isn't it just beautiful?

My first time in a big tree...I like it.

Mommy used to sit in these orangewood trees, too...just elsewhere.

This is so relaxing.

We love you, Daddy!

Let's move on to the next thing...


I REALLY wanted to get close...Yes, I was briefly over the boundary line.


Nice "OWN" (stone)...

What a big girl!

Such a neat sight to see...

What are you finding, Daddy?

I found a shell, too.

Please let me go in.

We finished off the day with a quick dip in Uncle Bob and Aunt Donna's pool.

I see your necklace, Mama.

"Oh, MY!"

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