Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8-26 Orlando Trip Day 2

A morning game: Where's Rebecca?
Here I am, Mommy!

Huhhhhmmmm...When is Daddy coming for lunch, Mama?

The Toney girls patiently waiting by the birdies...


My very own Pooh Bear!!!

Even though I wasn't feeling quite up to par, I HAD to visit the bubbly pool.

All better!

It's tickling my toes!

...AND, I had to visit the kiddie pool. The fountain things scared me a little bit. I learned to climb up the steps to get out though.

It's gonna get me!

Now, I'll get IT!

I WILL catch the water. I WILL!


Back to the big pool...such a sweet Daddy-daughter moment. It made Mommy well up a little.


Brrrrrrrmmmm!!! Motor boat...

I love you, Daddy.

I LOVE this pool...I can even crawl.

Angel girl

SO big!

After swimming, time for a bath with mood lighting...

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