Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, February 28, 2011

2-28 7 Months Old (More or Less) :)

I did it! I rolled to my tummy! I rolled ALL last night instead of sleeping. The only bad thing is that I can't get to my back yet, so the night was very interesting for Mommy and Daddy.
Ya caught me playin'!
Rest time
HA, HA, HA! You're so funny!
I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win the staring contest!
Our view for the afternoon...Rebecca, exhausted as she was, did not want to take a nap, yet nothing made her happy. So, we spent an hour under the tree again. She LOVES being outside. I took a big comforter and pillow out along with her binky, which she wouldn't let out of her sight or her mouth, and her shapes. I was hoping she'd take a nap under the tree, but she didn't have much interest in laying down.
Mr. Blue...you're the best! Can you believe she wanted me to take a nap on a day like this?
Which do I want more? Green Square or my binky? Hmmmm...
"Binky wins!" says the dazed Rebecca.

Marmie came by for a quick smooch...so sweet.
I don't know what's wrong, Marmie. I just can't sleep today.
Are the doggies going to come?
After the glorious fresh air and sunshine, Becca finally took a two-hour nap. Afterward, she was back to being Mommy's little helper.
I'm gonna get the towel!
I like to help Mommy with the laundry. Mommy, don't forget this one.
I'll work on this burp cloth.

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