Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2-27 A Day of Fresh Air

On our walk today, Mommy taught me all about wildflowers (weeds, as Daddy calls them). I was touching them and smelling them, and Mommy was using them to tickle my face. Now, they are proudly displayed in my bedroom.
After we got home from our walk, we checked Mommy's rose bush. It was FULL! Aren't her flowers so pretty?
I DO have other toys, but the shapes are my favorite!
What's Mr. Fan doing?


Such a little doll baby

I'm very proud of my bucket dumping skills.

"ffffffffffffffffff..." is my new sound.

I'll get your camera, Mommy.

Oh, so this is what a beautiful spring day feels like.

What's over there, Mommy?

That's a very interesting story, Rie-Rie.

A girl could get used to this.

I see you, Stevie.


What a gorgeous day to be outside.

I was trying to catch the falling leaves.


Mommy says I have auburn hilights. What do you think?

He, he, he...She's so funny...

and she loves me sooooooo much!

I think Rie loves me, too.

And...what would Daddy do without his girl?!

Just let me get my hands on that camera, Mama.

IIIIIIIIII've almost got it.

My piggy toes need sun, too.

They're getting so big!

Yes, Daddy. The lambie goes right there. Thank you.

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