Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2-15 Library, Lunch, and Evening Sun

Hi, again, Miss Linda.
He, he, he...Do you think he'll notice if I sneak a peek at this one? I do LOVE books. I love visiting my friends at the library. Mr. Randy, do you need an assistant?
Oh, boy...Mom, you and Marmie sure tuckered me out at the library. Do you mind if I zone out during lunch?
I kept missing it. Every time I'd put the camera away, Rebecca would peek at us through the hole in her caterpillar ring. She'd giggle as if she knew she was spying on us.
Did you hear something or was it just me?
Study, study, study, turn, flip, turn...
One last picture to end the day...getting ready to update the blog. :) Good night, everyone. Sleep tight.

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