Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, June 18, 2012

6-11 Sanibel Vacation Day 1

 New bathing suit?  Check.  New sunglasses?  Check.  Shovel?  Check.  Shoes?  Check.  Hat?  Check.
 Are we ready now, Mommy?
 I found a shell!
 Ahna and Eedick...
Exploring the tide pool...
 I like that one, Bop!
 This tide pool is just my size!
Group shot!
 Oh, my!
 Let's go exploring, Bop!
Hello, again.
 Was that a birdie?
 I must rinse off.
 Look at all of the shells!
 This one's nice.
My prayer:  Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful place.  Amen.
 So cute!
 Holding Mahmo's hand...
 Let's dig a little bit.
 Bop helped me bury myself.
 I'm a Becca castle!
 Pat, pat, pat...
Don't forget my toes!
 Where did my leggies go?
 Let me just rinse all that sand off!
 Off to get more water!
 This is soooo heavy!
 We make quite the team!
 This is hard work!
Fillin' up the hole!
 What is that creature, Ahna?
 Oh, my!  It moved!
 Can I pull it?  :)
 Off we go...returning the mussel to the sea...
 But, I really wanted to pull it out!
 These are getting in my way now.
 Silly girls...
 Mama love
 Pool time...
 Yes.  I think I'm rinsed off now.
 After my attempted nap, I showed Bop how strong I am.
 Let me just get loose.
 So precious...watching Animal Planet...
 Look!  Mahmo and Bop got me my first Barbie!
 Ariel Princess!
She is pretty.  Isn't she, Bop?
 Eedick is so silly!
 Let me just get up here to show you.
 Hi, Ariel.
 I like your dress.
 Giggle fest!
 Mommy took these two pictures on her walk while I was "sleeping."

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