Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


 I put the diaper on baby crabby all by myself!  I'm such a good little mommy.
 Hmmm...Which pair matches better?
 White it is!
 Look at what I did!  I put my glasses on all by myself and put my sippy in a "purse".  Then, I commenced to put Mommy's shoes on and say, "Okay, Bye-Bye...Shopping."  :)
Isn't Mommy's closet floor beautiful?  Daddy worked hard on it!

6-18 Such a Big Girl!

I had to dig around for the raisins.

 Wearing Mommy's heels and wanting to clean the floor...:)
 See, Ariel?
I'm stylin' now!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6-17 Happy Father's Day!

 Getting ready for church with Daddy...
 I love you, Daddy.  Happy Father's Day!
 Relaxing with Bop while waiting for pizza...
 So happy!
 Bop and his girls
 Double kissies...
 Bop with his girls...
 Two daddies
 Mamas and Papas
 After a nap, we went to Shanyne and Naz's to celebrate Brooke's birthday.
 Let's roll the ball, Eli.
Dinner with the Toney Family at Parrot Key...Such fun!

6-15 Sanibel Vacation Day 5...Last Morning :(

 Recognize this "castle?"  Nope!  Same one...A boy had turned our renovated castle into a body builder, and we have now altered it to a mermaid.  :)
 I don't want to leave.
 I'll miss all the pretty shells.
 I need to add some more "jewels" to her hair.
 "So deep!"
 "Oh, my!  Oh, my!"
 What kind of shell is it, Bop? 
 Relaxing in the mote...
 I got all dirty, though.
 Part of our bounty...
So nice!

6-14 Sanibel Vacation Day 4

 Good morning!
 Ahhhh...That feels so nice, Daddy.
 Ready to go!  I'm going to use the castle mold today.
 Out with the boys...
 Mama and Mahmo...
 I think they love each other.
 Bop makes me look light as a feather.  :)
 This has been such fun, Mahmo and Bop!  Thank you!
 I do love my Mommy and Daddy.
I think they love each other, too.
 Recognize this castle?  We saw it yesterday with the birdie.  Today, we're renovating it.
 Daddy and Bop took renovations VERY seriously.  :)
 I was in charge of bringing the water.
 I'll go get some more, boys.
 Uh-oh!  It's all gone...again!
 It needs something right there, Daddy.
 I learned how to make dribble castles.
 See them?
 Pat, pat, pat...preparing the mote...
 This is such an important job.
 Here I come!
 Daddy, you're such a good supervisor.
 Time to adorn the castle with decorations.
See our heart?
 I think we did a splendid job.
 It needs just one more little shell.
 Rinsing off...
 A new perspective...
 I love you, Mahmo.
 I love you, too, Mommy.
 What IS that?  Is Daddy REALLY doing a handstand?
 Let's collect some shells now.
I found a new friend!
 Come back, birdie!
 Okay...I'll try the sneaky approach.
 He just wasn't easily deterred.
 See him, Mahmo?
 So pretty...
 Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky...
 Here I come, birdie!
 We could have such fun!
 PLEASE!  I just want to play with you!
 Ho-hum...back to the castle.
He flew down there.  Rockin'!
 Hi, Mommy and Daddy!
 Here comes the GQ man.  :)
 That's my daddy!
 Hi, there.
 Floating with Mahmo...
 Cute little toes...
 I need a rest.
Resting after swimming...
 Back to the hammock after my nap...
 Sweet honey...
I love my Ahna.
 She loves me, too.
 I love Daddy so much!
 Do we really need to go in for dinner?
Cool sign by the pool...
 I think we need to go that way.
 A very serious moment...
I spy you, Ahna.
 So breezy...
 Look what we found!
 Come here, tortoise, tortoise!
 I like him, Mahmo.
So nice...
 We went to the Lighthouse Beach where Mommy's belly pictures were taken.  Such fun reminiscing...
 We love each other so much!
 The 3 Musketeers!
 This driftwood stuff is pretty neat.
 What's out there?
 Time to get down now.
 Smoochies for Mommy...
 Love, love, love!
Say, "Cheese!"
 Walkin' the beach...
 What a wonderful way to end our last evening on Sanibel!
 One, two, three!
 My daddy's the BEST!
I'm holding on tight!