Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

11-28 Park Time

A fun afternoon with Rafael and Katherine...Lunch!
Could I please have some more watermelon, Rafael?


I'm a girl on the run!

Catch me if you can!

Swing time...

In a daze...

Hi, Buddy.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


A chilly morning...
I'm an airplane!

See my dress? Mommy, Auntie Cheryl, Shayne, and Brooke all wore it.

Tickle monster...

I'm not giving up this shell...for anything, Auntie.

After church bubbles at Marmie's...

It's magic!

I'll get some more.


Got it!

This one, too!

I spy you, bubble!


Thank you, Marmie.

Let me just try it again.

Sunshine on the girls...

Here I go!

Today, I wanted to play dress-up. I grabbed out my butterfly costume and pointed to my chest. Well, here I am.



Lookin' at trains with Daddy...

11-26 More Decorating...

Ooooooooo! Christmas came early for Rebecca! Look at all of the Christmas stuffed animals!
See, Mama?

Here, Santa. You just take a little nappy right here.

Nice pillow...

All empty!

Stocking puppets!

I've been helping Mommy hammer.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells..."

Sweetie Pie

See me? I'm big.

11-25 Settin' Up Our Tree...And Turkey Round 2

See my new puppet?
Let me just taste the tree first.

Mommy taught me all about Aurora and Prince Phillip.

I learned about putting the star at the "tippy top".

The branches are so scratchy but soft...


This is the first ornament I've ever hung.

What could be in this one?

More ornaments...AND a new bracelet....

See my nice hangings?

Ear decorations...

I'll help you, Daddy. Just let me show you how to use this screwdriver thing.

We had Thanksgiving dinner Round 2 at Marmie and Pop's...I love my Kelsey

See me, Auntie? I'm so big.

Gettin' ready...

Papa Bear makes the tackle!

Our tree...Merry Christmas!