Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Well, I started off the day snuggling in the big bed with Mommy and Daddy...NOW...I must be smelly or something...Where did they go?
Oh yeah...STRETCH...I have the whole bed to myself.
Splish, splash, I was taking a bath...
I LOVE my bathtime!
Mommy snuggles
Just doing my morning exercises...
Roll, stretch, roll, stretch
My toes!
Mommy, I think this sock needs to be washed.
Pouty lips
So cute!

11-28 I Like to Help

Uh-uh! Mommy?! PLEASE take me out of here. I want to help you with the decorations!
Thank you. That's much better. Where are you going to put the Santa?
Good choice! I couldn't have picked a better spot myself.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Enjoying my time with Uncle Rick
Grandpa called me "The Flying Nun"! Can you believe that?!

Friday, November 26, 2010

11-25 Happy Thanksgiving!

I like the icicles best!
'Twas the night before Christmas...
I missed you, Great Auntie!
Aunt Lynnie and Uncle Rick
Auntie loves me so.
My first horsey ride...
Giddy-up, Aunt Cheryl!
Daddy is such a great turkey carver.
Hi, Aunt Elvira. I'm a little sleepy.
The Toney girls
Such a pretty Nanny
Family shot
Thank you for the kisses, Aunt Wanda!
Don't I have such a cute profile?
Happy Thanksgiving, Grandmom and Granddad!
Blow the bubbles, Mommy!
Can I please try?
Look, Mommy, I can be like you!
Miss Marie, my burp cloth tastes so good; but not as good as your dinner!

11-24 The Day Before Thanksgiving...Busy, Busy, Busy!

I'm SO tired, Daddy, but there's too much excitement to take a nap.
I'll help you, Daddy.
I'm such a big girl, helping Mommy clean. I moved from room to room with her.
Every time she'd look at me, I'd give her such a cute little smile.
In the evening, we went over to Shayne and Naz's for burgers. Daddy was playing with Belicia and Gabby.
The cuzins... :)
Proud Mommies
I'm too tired for tummy time, Grandpa.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Sucking in your bottom lip is a lost skill these days.

11-23 Computer!!

Okay, got it. I want to touch the buttons, too. Maybe next time.Type, type, space, type, type, space...

Monday, November 22, 2010

11-22 A Special Day

I started off the morning with a very special visitor...Aunt Diane (Marmie's friend)...all the way from Virginia! What a treat! I was so sleepy, but I tried to be a happy girl.
THEN, I went on my first tractor ride with Grandpa!
I like to steer. I can steer. See me?
What's that? Oh, you can do it, too? I think Grandpa's a little excited. He drove the riding lawn mower all the way from his house (about 15 minutes).
Oooooooo....Brrrrrr.....Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Daddy was so proud, too.
Thank you, Grandpa. I wasn't even scared! I love you.