Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Trying on hats at Sarah's shoppe...

1-8 Park Time with Mahmo

 "Mahmo, you were sneaky."  :)
 I'm eating lunch ON the picnic table.
 It was a little chilly and very breezy down by the water.
 See me, Mahmo?
 Loving Mommy, but I'm eye-ing up the swings.
 I am pretty cute, aren't I?
 I really wanted Mommy to push me.
 Catch, Mahmo!
Catch the ball!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

1-5 Another Day at the Park

 Climbing so high with Daddy
 Daddy loves to play just as much as Becca.  :)

 Here we go!
 Sliding is so much fun!
 I'm a great climber!
 Here I go!
 SO big!
 Time to get down now...

 Thank you for the help, Kind Sir.
 Monkey bars?!
 Sock mittens
 All done!
 Waiting for pizza
 Wearing Mommy's shades
A fabulous end to a wonderful day!


 Making a Panty Hat fashion statement

1-2 Playing with Alli

 Alli has so many, many wonderful toys...
 Pretending takes  a lot of concentration.
 Hugs all around
 Let's play with Minnie...
 Okay, I'll get her.
 Cheese snack time
This is SOOOO much fun!

1-1-13 Happy New Year 2013!! We celebrated at Lakes Park!

 Looking at the alligator from afar...
 There are lots of turtles, too.
 My beautiful angel
 Good-bye, 2012!
 An hour-long surrey ride...What an adventure!
 I do enjoy my new pose.  :)
 We took a break by the pond
 Say, "Cheese!" Daddy
 Being "so nice" to Mommy's face
 Smoochies for Daddy
 Holding us both
 Looking at the great blue heron...

 Smoochie, smoochie
 I love, love, love my mommy!
 Oh, yes, I do!
 They're kinda cute, aren't they?
 Hold on tight!
 Peeking over
 Such a big girl!
 I'm ready to go again!

 I love playing on the playground, too!
 "I not know her name."
 Jumpy bridge
 Aren't I adorable?
 Way to go, Daddy-O!
 Here I come, Dad!
 Now, how did he do that?

 Rope climbin', too!
 Such fun!
 Look at me go!
 Ridin' along...
 What did she say?
 More loves
 "I not want go home."
 Playing with the leaves
 Mommy's favorite shot of the day
One last break prior to departure...

 Eating a "nack"
 "All done."