Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

November 2012

 I love my piano!
 Making leaves for our "Thankful Tree"...
 And...hanging them...
 I found her!
 Cutie pie
 Yes, I do pout.
 Daddy's shirt is THIS big!
 So sleepy
 Fashion Diva
Helping Mommy bake banana bread...and tasting all the bananas...
 Mash, mash, mash...
 Crazy hair!
 I'm so silly!
 This is fun!
 A happy girl...
 Helping Dad-Dad feed the squirrels...
 What's so funny?
 Walking in the garden...
 Feeding the fishies, too...
 That's dirty.
 Bunny nose
 Watching life...
 One of the many butterflies at Mom-Mom and Dad-Dad's...

 This is my excited face.

 Wii time...
 Oh, my!
 I've got my eye on you!
 A visit from Aunt Lynnie, Uncle Rick, and Bentley...Thank you for my new hats!
 I love you, Bentley.
 I'm going night-night with my toys.
 Howdy, Partner!
 You look nice, Erik.
 Lovely Mahmo
 The Three Amigos
 It's falling off!
 I love Uncle Rick.
 I love my Shaynie!
 I found you, Bentley!
 Look at how much our tree has grown!
 Just a "little bit."
 Oh, chilliness!
 Just a LITTLE more...
 Love bug
 I want to explore Shayne's room.
 Hi, Gabby.
 Girls at play

I had a boo-boo on my face that needed a sticker Band Aid.
 Playing with my Christmas friends for the first time this year...
 Mommy made us snowman pancakes.
 Playing with Dr. V's instruments...
 She's the best doctor ever!
 Bed head!
 New jammies!
 Pretend sleeping
 Out for a stroll...
 Ready to ride, Mommy!
Hello, everyone!

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