Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5-14 Happy Birthday, Mahmo!

 Lunch at Iguana Mia...Yes, Ma'am...This is really my Mahmo.
 Hmph!  I wanted fried ice cream, too.
 Very nice, Mahmo.
 Birthday smoochies...
 I'd like to try it now, K?
 Ummm...This feels much larger than I thought it would.
 We had a surprise cake/ice cream dessert for Mahmo...Here she is with Cindy and Nanny.
 Here's Nancy, Ivy, and Great-Great Aunt Elvira.
 Marky, your face is very smooth.
 Happy Birthday!
 I do love my Bop-Bop, too. 
 Group shot!
 Let's blow them out!
 Thank you for the cake, Shaynie.
 Shayne, Naz, and Margaret...
Miss Cindy and I had fun playing together.
Shayne, Cheryl, Margaret, and Mahmo...

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