Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1-10 A Visit to the Nature Center with Aunt Wanda

Getting fueled up...
...on no nap...

Let's go! Hi, Auntie Wanda. Hi, Micah.


What is that lizard thing?

Ooohhhh, Mommy. I don't know about that one. (This had to be taken for Grand Mom and Daddy.)

The pelican kept snapping it's beak. Becca laughed, because her Polly Pelican book does the same thing. Micah wasn't a fan.

You're so nice, Becca.

We love you, Auntie Wanda.

I see you, Micah.

Group shot...Sorry, Buddy.

Come over here, Mommy.

Here, Micah. I'll lead the way.

C'mon, Micah! We can do it! PULL!

Becca: "Could I please have some of your sippy?"

Micah: "But you didn't share your yogurt..."

Hmmm...I've got it in my sights.

Okay, I guess mine will do. Thank you for the turtle, Auntie Wanda.

"Ahhhh! Refreshing!"

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