Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, January 30, 2012

1-29 A Visit with Cousin Sherrie

I think I'm just a little bit loved.
You make me giggle!

Hi, Hobbes.

Are you sure I can pet her?

Nice kitty...

Hi, Sherrie!


This has been such fun.

May I please get down, Granddad?

Would I like to see the fishies? Yeah.


...and spouses.

Lovey hugs

I have to be the supervisor as the men work.

1-27 I Dressed Myself!


1-26 A Special Trip

Elmos? Check! Although, I'm not too sure about this Palmetto place...
"Cheese!" (She said it without prompting. Apparently, I've said it before and didn't realize it.)

I'm so patient waiting for my lunch at Tarpon Pointe.

Maha and DeeDeed (Marta and David) are soooo nice!

Family time!

Aren't they just so cute?

Rees, rees! (raisins)

Where did that bridge thing go?

The girls...

Taken especially for Bahbo, because he works at Tarpon Pointe back home.


I'm ready, Mommy!
You comin', Mama?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


See how I picked just the right hat to wear this evening?
Mahmo taught me how to put little toys into the empty wipe container. Now...I can't get them out!

Oh, yeah...Now I remember how she showed me...Use my thumb...


See what I did all by myself? I wanted "Go" to play the piano, too. I even banged his fists on the keys!

1-23 Such a Big Helper!

Let me just help you with that, Mommy.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

1-20 Swingin'

Are you sure this swing is secure, Mommy?
Sompin's on my foot...


Up, up, up!

I'm gonna getchoo!

This is so relaxing...

Mommy loves you, Baby Girl.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Apparently, Rebecca had to start her morning by kissing that mysterious baby on the window.
Whatcha laughin' at?

Look out! Splash, splash, splash!

I have a question.

Yeah...Ducky is tasty.

See my earring?

Okay...Let's take it off.

Really? It's almost time to get out?

But...I'm so goofy.


A playtime snack...

Who's out there, Becca?

Whew! All that playing wore me out!

See? Don't worry...I'm not eating while I'm lying down.


OOOOOkay...Which one would you like, Mommy?

Let's go outside for lunch!

First, I need to dress myself...See my nice choice of hat and "bob"?

This is the life.