Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

10-29 Pumpkin Carving

 Yay!  Cooler weather just in time to carve "Jack".
 "I love you, Jack."
 Scrapin' away!
 I got a little yucky, Mommy.
 Brush, brush, wipe, wipe...
 I'm goin' in!
 This takes much concentration.
 I am a very content little girl.
 I see some.
 Here, Daddy.  It's your turn.
 He, he, he!
 Oh, my!
 What a girl!

See him?  I'm so proud.

10-28 Butterfly!

 Mom-Mom and Dad-Dad's first monarch was born today!
 Fly away!
 What fun!  I ALMOST touched it.
 Going for a ride on Mom-Mom's cart...
 Oh, boy!
Such fun!

10-27 Pumpkin Patch Time!

 Becca liked the bumpy pumpkins best.
 Our little pumpkin
 Singin' away...
 This one's just my size!
 I REALLY enjoyed picking the scarecrow decorations out of the ground.
 See my punkin?
 This one's SOOO big!
 Sitting with Daddy
 Family picture
 Mommy's tickling me!
 The Shell Factory was there, too!  I got to pet the sheep!
 Come here, little sheep, little sheep.
 So sweet
 They were so soft!
I EVEN saw (and pet) a SNAKE!

10-24 Happy 3rd Anniversary, Mommy and Daddy!

 Mommy and Daddy spent the day at The Barn while Mahmo watched me.
Aren't they adorable?  :)

A Sick Girl Will Still Play...2 weeks of yuckies!

 So pitiful...
 My first mani/pedi made me feel much better!
 I do LOVE my princess bed!
 I picked some flowers on a nature walk with Mama.
 I looked for butterflies, too.
 I ALMOST got one!
 Nope...not this time.
 Whatchoo doin', Daddy?
 Resting on the well...
 Time for a little swing...
 Such a beautiful day!
 Such a cutie!
 Looking at the duckies...

Wearing my tool belt, helping Daddy fix the blinds.
Playing a harmonica