Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

1-21 My First Vacation...Orlando!

Let's see...for starters...get adjusted to the hotel room and PLAY!!!!
Daddy said he needed some snuggles before he headed to his first meeting.
I think I might like this hotel thing. What do you think, Dad?
Yeah...this will be A-OK!
Next...check out the big bed! Woo Hoo!!
My fingers taste sooooo yummy.
SO big!
Hi, Mom. Where are you going to sleep?
Day 2: Checkin' out the balcony with Daddy.
Mommy, ya comin'?
Aaaaaaaaaaaa...I'm only having a little bit of fun.
Neat shot...it was MUCH too cold and windy to go outside on this trip!
Look at all the people, Daddy.
Nap time...Ha, ha...I don't think so, Mom.
But, I don't want to....
A visit from Miss Bonni...Yay!
Back to the big bed...oh yeah!
I love to play with my puppy, Drexel.
Out of the room for an indoor adventure. Let me just make sure my binky is in working order.
First stop: enjoying some relaxation time on a lounge with Mommy. What's over there?
Next: a stop at the waterfall. OOOOOooooooo.....Mommy, do you see that?!
Do I have to turn this way? It's boring.
Then: a stop by Starbucks...That's a really big cup of coffee, Mommy. I don't think that'll be too good for you!
"Hello!" from the Toney girls. We're checking out the gift shop!
He, he, he...Nemo is so funny!
Soft fishy...
Are you talking to me?
The lady working there was making me giggle.
Mommy, I know that dolphins are your favorite; but, Toby will always be my favorite.
Showing Daddy the waterfall...
And ending the day at Houlihan's...Yes, they're still around (in Orlando).
Day 3:
My first time in the big girl bathtub...Mommy, what's that shiny thing?
Oh, so the water comes out of there?
Hi, Daddy. I think I like this.
Hmmmm....more shiny stuff.
Waving to Daddy from our 4th floor balcony...
Bye, Daddy! Have fun at your last meeting! We'll be waiting for you when you get back!
Ahhhhhhhh....sooooo sleepy! We've been on the road for just over an hour, and I am pooped. Mommy and Daddy tell me that we stopped at a wonderful BBQ place in Bowling Green called Smokin' Joe's. They had a wonderful lunch and even some hand-dipped ice cream (even though it was only about 55 degrees outside). They even had men outside splitting wood for the three smokers you could see from the road. This little place was also the video rental store for the small, small town. After we left, Mommy said they saw tee-pees a few miles further. Maybe there was a pow wow or something. Cool, cool!
Yummy! We'll definitely do this again!
Ta-da! The End.

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