Welcome to our life with Rebecca Dawn. We hope you enjoy the pictures and video clips as much as we do. Mommy's goal is to post at least one picture each day. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

7-24 A Great New Find!

My first camera!  Say, "Cheese!"
Unlike Mommy,  I don't do surprises very well...I'm looking for my birthday "doys."  :)
You crack me up, Mommy!
Daddy and Becca got tuckered out!
Hmmm...Is Daddy still resting?
I must have worn the man out!  (Appropriately, his shirt reads "Got Help?")
I need a hairbrush, please.
Sportin' an anklet...
Ta-Da!!  Look at what we found on our walk tonight!  I helped Daddy put it together.
"Oh, my!"
Here I go...I'm a little tired already.
 Up, up, up again!
 So big!
 "OH, MY!  OH, MY!"
 This is fun!
 My friends went down the slide, too!
Here, Giraffe.  It's your turn.

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